Stony Plain Reporter/Grove Examiner March 2012
Singer believes in language of music
Brandi Morin
March 2, 2012
The Early Stage Saloon will play host to Edmonton singer/songwriter Darlene Olson this Saturday evening.
Olson, grew up in northern Alberta, and has been creating melodies for as long as she can remember.
“I’ve been doing music since I was a little girl,” said Olson.
“I was born to sing, plain and simple. It’s in my blood and I couldn’t imagine my life without music, it’s a part of me.”
The ambitious country music singer writes from her everyday experiences and on just about everything, including serious society issues.
“I get inspiration to write everyday. But it’s also important to write about things that have meaning. I have a song called Homeless which speaks to that topic of homelessness,” shared Olson.
During the day she is busy touring the province working as an education consultant.
In the evening and in her spare time, she hangs with her three-piece band practicing for upcoming gigs.
They have also been working on shooting a music video to accompany her upcoming single release, Living Without You.
Olson will be playing an intimate acoustic set this weekend with her guitar player and is looking forward to playing at the warm and friendly atmosphere of the Saloon.
“With a live audience, that’s where you get the true meaning of what your music means to people. When someone comes up to you and says something that has affected them about a song that you’ve written you know that you’ve done some good work.”
She said she believes in the universal language of music and that it brings people together.
“I find as people it’s amazing that we’re so much alike and able to share similar experiences with each other,” finished Olson.
The show starts at 8 p.m.