Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Hello Everyone!

Saturday, March 16th, 2019

It’s me again…
You’ve probably been wondering what happened to me, and when I was going to update this darn web page, huh!
I know, I’ve been away much too long. But, while I was gone, I sure wasn’t relaxing and sleeping in till noon. No, not me… I’ve been busy writing new music, knowing that before too long, I would be heading back out on the road. I’m happy to say that this batch of freshly written songs are fabulous. I’m very excited to be back doing what I love to do… make good music… I’m equally thrilled and so… looking forward to seeing you all again and to share this new music…
Stop by here soon to check on the new songs…. Yeah, I know… update more often.
See you all out there!